Schuck Maternity

On May 8, 2015 by admin

Meet the Schuck family – aren’t they ADORABLE?! This family is always a joy to photograph. This particular session was set up to capture the families’ last days as a family of three, as they are anticipating the arrival of their newest addition any day now. I love Ellie’s spunk and energy, and cannot wait to see her in the role of big sister! Enjoy a sneak peek from our time together 🙂 SchuckMaternityPreview-1 SchuckMaternityPreview-2 SchuckMaternityPreview-3 SchuckMaternityPreview-4 SchuckMaternityPreview-5 SchuckMaternityPreview-6 SchuckMaternityPreview-7 SchuckMaternityPreview-8 SchuckMaternityPreview-9 SchuckMaternityPreview-10 SchuckMaternityPreview-11 SchuckMaternityPreview-12

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